What does Moses do when he first wakes up in the morning?!

Hebrews a cup of coffee!






Christian’s are no exception to telling a good dad joke (or a bad one). In fact, we may be the worst, playing right into the PUNdemonium. One of most innocent wonders a Christian has is whether or not God has a sense of humor. If you have never seen a “blob fish”, now is this time to open a new tab and Google this fine specimen. God made that.

One of the most humorous encounters in the Bible is found in the Old Testament. God told Sarah when she was 90 years-old that she was going to be a mother. Sarah laughed out loud! God asked her, “Sarah, why did you laugh?” Sarah replied, “I didn’t laugh!” Then God was like, “I literally just heard you, so…” Maybe that was a crude paraphrasing, but you can find this story in Genesis chapter’s 17 and 21.

God’s humor is passed on to Jesus. There are many instances in the life of Jesus where he said or did some rather humorous things. One of them was giving Simon the name “Peter”, which is the Greek name meaning rock. In case you need a reminder: Peter is the one that looked down and started sinking after walking out onto the water to meet Jesus. Coincidence? I think not. Jesus knew exactly what he was doing. 

Remember, God loves His children and delights in our delights so long as we dwell on things that are pure and holy. Throughout the Bible we see many tragedies and so much sorrow, but one thing that gives reassurance in the promise of Jesus are those reminders to smile and laugh! Let no one take your joy. Give yourself a daily reminder of God’s promises for your life with a dash of wit and humor with this coffee mug, and just ask yourself, “What would Jesus brew?”

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”
—Psalm 126:2